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CGP Ep126 Motivation One

#glisteners coach glass podcast May 03, 2016

This is a special edition of the Coach Glass Podcast. Motivation.

It's not for everyone (that is for sure).

It may make some of you uncomfortable.

It may dive into the depths of your psyche that you have locked away and paved over with your false affirmations. Or… you will love it!

It may be uplifting, inspiring, and help you squeeze out the last ounce of growth you needed to maximize your potential.

Either way, it is the Coach delivering his unique inspirational post-workout talks.

My goal has always been “Inspire Others to Greatness” This is one episode of a series that will hopefully do just that!

So here is how it works.

Listen to the podcast.

Then do your workout and at the end of your training session, lie on your back and put your earbuds in. Relax and listen to the Motivation.

It's like meditation but it's motivation.

Maybe its a MotiTation.

The Motivation can be downloaded on iTunes just like you downloaded this episode.

It can be listened to again and again.

There are more coming so enjoy it and as time goes on you can progress through the series. 

@perfrom_better @mytpi #CoachGlassNextLevel #DreamBig #OverDeliver #BeUndeniable Coach Glass

This is a MotiTation (MotiTation= Motivation + Meditation) This recording is to be listened to at the end of your training session. Lie on your back in the pool of sweat you created from your handwork. Now find your breathe and relax. Press play and listen to the Motivation. Its that simple. There are elements that may inspire you, challenge you, force you to look yourself in the mirror and motivate you to be your best! Enjoy. Coach Glass

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