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CGP Ep158 #YOJAY Leaky Gut|Discounting Yourself|Ghee

#glisteners coach glass podcast Nov 23, 2016

This episode is a special #YOJAY audio version.

We took some of your questions that wouldn’t make for a great visual on the #YOJAY YouTube show and deserved a longer form audio answer.

The questions this week include:
#YOJAY In an episode with Brandon Marcello and I believe you may have discussed it with Robert Yang. You talk about Leaky Gut syndrome. What is it and how do I know if I get it?

#YOJAY You always talk about not discounting your services. How am I suppose to increase sales without offering discounted packages?

@Heather_Smuin asks “ #YOJAY what about using Ghee instead of Butter in the coffee ova der?”

If you have a question for the Coach! Simply tweet or send an email to [email protected]

Be sure to visit our sponsors @kvest3d @perform_better @mytpi and send them a tweet with #CoachGlassNextLevel #DreamBig #OverDeliver #BeUndeniable Cheers! Coach Glass

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