CGP Ep195 Lunkers & Bunkers
Aug 01, 2017In this episode, we are going DEEP! Not that kind of deep… deep sea fishing!
I want to share with you some parallels between hunting for lunkers, getting the ball out of bunkers and you achieving greatness in your life!
What the hell is a lunker?
Listen and learn. We also have a special guest drop in from the Glass & Gill show. Yes! @lgp_inc jumps in on a surprise call and shares his story of how to handle the Sh#%Show of life.
We also discuss how where you focus your attention can be the difference-maker between landing a big opportunity or getting it to the side of your boat just to lose it before you get out your net!
Hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed recording it!
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Follow @kvest3d and check out their educational KVest Certification! KVEST has an amazing library of articles and blog posts as well on their website. http://k-vest.com Everything you want to know about the biomechanics of rotation! Take the Kvest on the range, in the bunker or out on the course. Versatile and reliable. K-Vest!
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I'll be in San Jose Sept 14/15 for @mytpi Level 1 and PB Summit Long Beach Aug 24-26!
And as always…..#DreamBig #OverDeliver #BeUndeniable Cheers! Coach Glass
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