CGP Ep230 Don’t Be Authentic…Be YOU!
Mar 28, 2018Don't be So what makes you so special? Huh?
Seriously! What makes you different from those around you? Are you a trainer? Every trainer in your town can give a good workout to the people in your community. What makes you different? Are you a coach? Great! Why should I pick you?
Ohhh because your good at what you do. I see…thanks but I think I will go next door.
Find the thing that makes you unique. The thing that makes you special. The thing that defines you is when you take away all the labels put on you by your profession.
You are a therapist who does soft tissue work? Who cares? You are also an avid drummer who loves 80’s hair bands? Now we are getting somewhere.
Find your niche and expose it to the world.
In this episode, I go DEEP into how to turn your "Ho Hum" business into something that truly reflects YOU!
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