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CGP Ep332 Adjusting Your #DreamBIG in a Changing World

#dreambig #glisteners coach glass blog coach glass podcast Mar 25, 2020

If you have been following along with the Coach Glass Podcast you will inevitably find yourself dreaming bigger!

A lot of you naturally veer toward the traditional dreams of fortune and fame.

There is nothing wrong with that! It is natural to have desires that involve wealth and admiration from your peers.

The World is in Covid shutdown! In times like this, we quickly realize that fortune and fame give you very little comfort when your loved ones are fearing the threat of illness and potentially death!

It doesn’t matter how many zeros you have in your bank account if you can’t spend it on travel or toilet paper.

It doesn’t matter how many new followers you have if you lose a loved one.

So how important is fortune and fame today?


Studies say that the boundary that separates those with enough money and those whose lives would be improved with more money is $75,000/year. The study also noted that those who felt life satisfaction made over $95,000/year while those who made less felt unfulfilled.

Well, I can tell you from my own experience that there are a lot of unhappy people who make more than 6 figures and I know a ton of happy people who make less than 1/2 that number!

Does money really buy happiness or does it just heighten your expectations?

This might be why the Housewives of Who Cares What City are always bitching and complaining about how disappointed they are in every aspect of life. 

Fame means nothing if you are only allowed to interact with the people with who you chose to be quarantined with.

I have never seen as many Instagram Live broadcasts in all my life! People are hungry for connection but more importantly, they are hungry to be heard!

For the next 4 months would you rather have 100,000 followers or 10 good friends who are checking on you every couple of days to see how you’re holding up?

This is a perfect time to recalibrate your #DreamBIG!

What do your dreams look like if you remove fortune and fame? 

How high on this list does your health rank? If it ranks high, what are you doing on a daily basis to enhance it? Eat clean, sleep like it's your job and move beautifully for 30 min every day!

How important is the quality of your close relationships? Are you taking your friends and loved ones for granted? Could you actively engage with them in a way to cultivate growth and deepen connections? “It goes both ways!  I have reached out and called him the past 3 times. If I don’t reach out I don’t think I would ever hear from him!” Hmmm.

Do you see value in alone time? Do you fill your alone time watching others live their “best lives” through their curated social posts? What do you do when you are by yourself? Do you fill it with distractions through your earbuds or watch the world through a screen? Disconnect and spend some time in silence? The birds are singing and the wind is rustling through the trees. And if you listen really closely… you may just hear the voices in your head telling you to disconnect! Meditate, read a book, go for a walk or sit quietly in a room with no gadgets turned on.

Just the thought of it made you feel a little uncomfortable, didn’t it? 

How important is doing something you love over something you do for work!

Hopefully, they are the same. Some of my most enjoyable days of work came from jobs that most people would think of as WORK!

In college I did a ton of different jobs from mowing lawns, being a sue chef to painting houses. Each of these jobs gave me a sense of accomplishment and all of them had a zen-like repetition that I found soothing.

If I had to give up my current career as a coach I would gravitate toward these forms of work.

My #dreamBIG has changed throughout the years. Each one I accomplish spawns a new one with more depth and more challenge.  The better I get at creating them the less fortune and fame come into their construction. I value all these things so much that my quarantined time isn’t all that different from my normal life! I wake up each day with my family, go for a run in the woods, yoga or workout, coach my athletes online, write or record something creative that moves me, make my family dinner, spend quality time together in the evening and go to bed like sleep is my job.

Sound like a good life?

It didn’t happen by accident. It was created!

How much fortune and fame drives my #dreamBIG? Not much but my previous #dreamBIGs created a foundation to make it possible.

This week I want you to take the time to look at what you want your life to be when you are 30, 40, 50, 60….and start putting the pieces in place to make it a reality! If you struggle with it…I am here to help! 

Coach Glass 2020 Mentorship is going online.

The annual event is postponed until we are all cleared to socialize in person again.

That is no reason to put your #DreamBIG on hold.

If you are interested in diving deep into your brand, business or personal development.

Email me [email protected] Subject: 2020 Mentorship

Want to improve your athletic ability using neuromuscular training?

Sign up for either my LoadXplode 16 Week or High TripleXity 8 Week Programs. Both programs are comprehensive online follow along training programs, ready to help take your game to the next level.

Simply go to

I want to give special thanks to all the sponsors for their continued support of the show.

K-Motion @kmotion3d has blown the doors off the baseball world with their Baseball Certification.

Perform Better @performbetter use code “GLASS15” at checkout to buy your Mace, Kettlebells, and Bands.

MyTPI for upcoming dates and events.

Without them, I wouldn’t be able to afford the time and produce the podcast to the level we do each and every week.

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