CGP Ep523 What Kind of Coach Are You?
Jan 28, 2025What is the difference between a technical coach, strength coach, medical practitioner and what I like to call a "Performance Coach"? A lot as a matter of fact! In this episode, I share what makes a performance coach unique and what athletes should look for when seeking out the skills that only a performance coach can provide. There are 5 key pillars that will elevate your skills from someone with an athlete who creates a transactional relationship to an integral part of the team. Run through my checklist and see how you rank. Do you possess 1/5 or 5 out of the 5 ingredients needed? Just listen and learn!
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I want to thank all my sponsors who have helped support this podcast from day one. @mytpi and @perform_better @superspeedgolf
For TPI Check out our schedule of events here: http://www.mytpi.com
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