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CGP Ep70 Mentorship Pathway to Success

#glisteners coach glass podcast what’s new May 07, 2015

To #DreamBig you need to be able to imagine a destination. 

To successfully reach your destination you need to have a path.

The directions to get from your dreams to your destination often come from a mentor.

The mentor either shows you what is possible and or defines the best way to get there.

A great quote that resonates with me is “Don’t follow in the footsteps of the masters.

Seek what they sought!”  

I love this because truly the difference between success and failure is not knowing the destination but instead understanding how to relentlessly drive toward it through the successes and failures we encounter along the way.

Every year I hold a Mentorship for 10 people and every year I am amazed at the drive and determination that the mentors come with and the only thing truly holding them back is the support and encouragement to continue down the path.

Some people need a light to see the path and others need some barriers put up to help them avoid veering off the path on route to the destination.

In this episode, I will share some of my stories on how mentors affected my career and examples of other successful people who credit their mentors for helping them achieve greatness.

We also have some fun with Dr Phil, the Clumps and some Slayer/Slip Knot fans.

If you want more info on the 2015 Coach Glass Mentorship contact us [email protected] and start your path toward your destination. 

#DreamBig #OverDeliver be #Undeniable and #CheersEverybody! Coach Glass


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