#DreamBIG 25 Manic Monday!
Apr 30, 2018Manic Monday, hump day and TGIF? Why do you let the name of the day determine how you feel?
When I say Monday you instantly have a guttural reaction.
When I say Friday you smile and feel a sense of release.
Why do we put so much energy into what day it is?
“How are you today?”
“Well you know, just another Monday…”
What???? What if you looked forward to Mondays?
Mondays are my favourite day of the week! I love Mondays!!!! It means I have 5 full days to accomplish as much as I can! Monday is my planning day.
Wanna hear what I do the rest of the week? Listen to #DreamBIG 25.
This Week’s Task: Be aware of your language. How do you describe or react to others who discuss their mood based on the day of the week. “
How’s it going?” “
TGIF baby! I'm getting off early and getting shattered tonight!”
Whaaaaat???? Now take the lessons from #DreamBIG 25 and put it in action!
You will be amazed at how productive you will be this week!
FYI: The #DreamBIG series is a quick motivational kick in the keister! The #DreamBIG episodes are 6-12 minute dream big segments that are bite-sized and easy to digest. If you follow them from week to week you will have a game plan that will help you tackle life at the highest level. A personal performance roadmap!
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