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#DreamBIG 31 Opening & Closing Doors of Life!

#glisteners coach glass podcast Sep 10, 2018
Picture each stage of your life as a room that you enter.
Each doorway is the transition from one stage of your life to the next.
Be it the transition from high school to college, college to your career, single life to married life, or newlyweds to parents.
The most important thing you can do when you pass through one of these doorways is to close the door behind you!
If you're married you can’t leave the door open behind you into the single life.
When you enter the working world you need to close the door to the college frat life.
I have seen far too many people fail to close the door behind them and the ramifications can be disastrous. To truly be present in the room or stage of life you have entered you need to have closure on the past.
This Week’s Task:
First and foremost you need to acknowledge what stage of life you are currently living in.
Then look back at your previous stage or room and make sure that you aren’t pulling habits, traits or other elements of life that no longer serve you in your current stage of life.
If you have unfinished business, deal with it and close the door.
You will never truly reach your potential if you don’t!

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