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Pathway to Greatness

#glisteners coach glass live lecture series video archives Aug 11, 2015
Almost every week I am asked by a Next Level Member or #Glistener to tell my story of how I got to where I am today.
This video is a presentation I did at the 2015 Coach Glass Mentorship.
The mentorship is only open to 6 people a year and I wanted all the Next Level Members who wanted to hear the story of my journey toward my own version of personal greatness.
The Pathway to Greatness is not a story about being great as that would be brash and ridiculously cocky. This is my story about my pathway TOWARD greatness. 
You never truly reach greatness because it's all about the journey.
I speak regularly on the concept of ‘Dreaming Big’ and the process of dreaming big never ends. It's about the journey toward the goal not the acquisition of the goal. I feel like my focus on my goals are so clear but the goal itself morphs and changes as I get closer to the destination.  Once you reach a goal, that is your new norm.
From that point, you are looking forward to your next accomplishment. If you make it all about the destination you are missing the boat.


Here are my personal tips to help you Dream Big and Overdeliver on those Goals:
1. Write your dreams and goals in a notebook. Find a quiet special place where you feel motivated, inspired, and feel comfortable. I like going to a special coffee shop, beach or hotel lobby that I feel is worthy of my goals.
2. Keep writing your goals until they make you feel uncomfortable or emotional. Thats when you have reached a dream or goal that is big enough.
3. Be as specific as possible in detailing the goal and the timelines in which you would like to accomplish your goal.
4. Goals are not just things, they are personal, emotional and should fulfill a void in your life that will give you a better sense of your authentic self. Make sure you take into account how the goal will affect all the other aspects of your life.
5. Write down what you are willing to sacrifice to attain your goal. This is important to know when you hit the inevitable road blocks and speed bumps along the journey.
6. Break down each goal into measurable and attainable chunks. Start with some easily attainable elements to get some momentum and confidence to get you through the hard times.
7. Share your goal with someone who is close enough to call you on it if you start to waiver away from your intended goal. I like a close friend, sibling, parent or significant other. This person doesn’t need to see your notebook or know all the steps but they should know the destination, direction and timeframe of your dream goal. I cannot emphasize enough the importance of this step. Without it you can quite and you are the only one that would know that you gave up on something you felt was life enhancing and so important to you when you initially wrote the goal.
8. Every single night when you go to bed, visualize yourself attaining the goal, feel what it feels like to have accomplished the goal and acknowledge how it has enhanced your life.
9. Every morning when you get up write down an action that will get you one step closer to your goal.
10. This is the most important tip to get you to accomplish anything great in life: Get off your ass and do the hard work to make your Dream Goal a reality! Be undeniable! This means you don’t let anyone take you away from your goal. You ARE Undeniable! You WILL Overdeliver!
If you want to share your Dream Goal with the Next Level Members for a boost of confidence, support or just to get the ball started….leave a comment below or email me.
I'd love to hear what your dreams are and watch you accomplish them.
I would love to hear about your Pathway toward your own Greatness!
Coach Glass

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